1990 - leaflet

The Porsche Museum

The history of Porsche is almost as old as the automobile itself. It began at the turn of the century with a spectacular automobile design. Since that time, the Porsche name has been inextricably linked with the automobile because Porsche strove from the first to give people mobility: with pioneer spirit, inventiveness, a great deal of dedication and basic hard work. Today Porsche is a firm with a rich history of advanced technology and personal engagement. The Porsche Museum, open to the public since 1976, maintains this history in the present where the past loses nothing. History and tales bound up in the automobile marque of Porsche are within every person's reach. Nearly 50 exhibits - production cars, race sports cars and prototypes - provide a panorama of automobile developments from the house of Porsche, make race atmosphere real and prove that scarcely any other technical development has so influenced mankind and our environment like the automobile. Beyond that, the Porsche Museum collection hopes to awaken understanding, particularly among the young, for the development and meaning of traffic and technology.

We invite you on a trip through the Porsche Museum.

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