Porsche Press kit 1970 - landing page
Here below you can find, compared side by side, the period brochures illustrating the new 911 2.2. In german and english languages. Enjoy!
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... all three!
The Porsche 911 T now develops 142 b.h.p (SAE) with a maximum speed of 127 m.p.h. (205 Km/h) and accelerates from 0 to 621/2 m.p.h (100 Km/h) in 10 seconds.
The Porsche 911 E now develops 175 bh.p. (S.A.E.) with a maximum speed of 137 m.p.h. (220 Km/h) and accelerates from 0 to 62 1/2 m.p.h, (100 Km/h) in 8 seconds
The Porsche 911 S now develops 200 bh.p. (S.A.E.) with maximum speed of 143 m.p.h (230 Km/h) and eccelerates from 0 to 62"1/2 mp.h (100 Km/h) in 7,2 seconds
A significant increase in overall performance results from the greater horse power developed by the 2.2-litre engine (previously 2-litres in capacity) and with the higher torque figures and more power available in the middle r.p.m range, considerably improved acceleration times. This is especially advantageous where overtaking is concerned - possibly the major problem in today's congested road conditions.
Greater engine flexibilty enables the Porache to be at home in heavy traffic, without too much gear changing, as well as on the open road. The Porsche is designed and bult for hard work. Maximum acceleration through the gears or consistently driving at the nigh cruising speeds of which it is capable will not worry your Porsche engine. As an indication of this, the piston speed at full power is relatively low in compariaon with other high performance cars.
We have learned a great deal from our participation in competition - everything that has been proven in long-distance races, and the experience 911 gained, has been incorporated in the new series.
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The greater the reserve of power in acceleration, the greater is the confidence of the driver when overtaking.
The Porsche 911 series posses more power in reserve throughout the r.p.m. range than ever before even cruising at 110 m.p.h. there is an immediate response of power when you tread on the accelerator.
The Porsche design concept featuring the engine at the rear, is especially advantageous in ensuring minimum wheelspin by virtue of the weight being over the driving wheels.
Outstanding acceleration demands equally outstanding braking power if acceleration is to be used in safety.
The Porsche 911 series have internaly ventilated disc brakes on all four wheels and are for practical purposes unaffected by heat variation. We test them on the hairpin bends of the roads in the Black Forest, using maximum braking on every corner, and then again and again.
In the same way as a racing driver takes the lead by outbraking a rival into a corner, you will always be able to brake later than other drivers on the road and so maintain a higher average speed because Porsche brakes do not fade and the short brake pedal movement remains constant.
Allied with this superior braking performances. the Porsche steering is light anc positive with an immediate response - typical of all controils on a Porsche.
The Porsche is fitted at standard with many items of equipment, such quartz lodine headlamps, to aid safer driving under all road conditions.
No other production car can match the combination of the outstanding success of the Porsche in compettion (proven by 911 models consistently winning the G.T. category of the major International Championship races) and its international acceptance as the world's finest grand touring car.
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Of what use a beautiful and fast sports car if it is not also comfortable? We have learned over the years that your peace of mind and, therefore, to a marked degree, your safety, are dependent on your being completely relaxed when driving. To this end the latest 911 models incorporate everything possible to ensure your comfort and, equally, that of your passenger
The indivicual front seats provide excellent lateral support, together with wide-range of adjustment, so that relaxed and perfect driving position is available to drivers of widely different physique. The well padded facia has easily read instruments, and the finger-tip controls are directly to hand.
In the event of an accident, the top-and bottom sections of the three-part ateering column can move in relation to one another, without transmitting the resultant shock. (Even if you never need to actually prove this point, it's still reassuring!)
Even a little stale air can result in a headache. The fresh air system of a Porsche has three fon speeds, the fastest of which-can nearly-ruffle your hair!
We are quite good about luggage accommodation - there is plenty ofr room inside the Porache, while the front compartment under the bonnet provides about 7 cubic feet (20o latroe) of space. In addition, the occasional rear seats can be folded down (one or both) and provide a further total of 8.7 cubic feet of luggage space.
All in all, one can be forgiven for forgetting also one of the world's most successful sports cars.
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Porsche Press kit 1970 - landing page
Porsche 911 T, E, S: technical specifications
Leaflet Porsche 911 T, E, S:
Porsche Press kit
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